Wehrs Machine
Wehrs Machine & Racing Products is a company that was founded by my love of creating parts out of metal. In 1988 I was 12 years old I began welding things together this developed an extreme need to build cool parts for anything I could imagine. Working in my Father's body shop in the back corner there sat a 1912 Logan Lathe which I had no idea what was about to happen when I turned it on. Nearly losing a finger or two when the chuck started turning, when I gathered myself back together my imagination went wild. I had found a way to make cool round parts. For the next 7 years I built as many things as I could with what I had working on race cars and in the body shop. I knew exactly what I was going to do with my life when that lathe turned on that first time. After High School I went to the local Technical College for Machining. While going to school my Father agreed that if I cleaned up the old run-down building where Wehrs Chevrolet started in 1935 that I could start my own business there. So, in June of 1997 I started Wehrs Machine in the same building where my Grandpa and his Brother started the Chevy garage in 1935.
Location: Bangor, WI
Phone: 608-486-4343
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